Friday, May 15, 2015

5 Predictions For Technology In 2020

According to research firm IDC, the world is fast approaching the next wave of digital innovation. Much sooner than you may think, passwords will become a relic of our insecure past and bespoke products will be within the reach of anyone regardless of their tax bracket. In this video, Crawford del Prete, Executive Vice President Worldwide Research Products and Chief Research Officer at IDC, shares predictions that portend radical changes in how business operates and people live every day.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trip to Aussie.. :)


Trip went to Aussie last two years...miss this memory!! urmmm....mana agak nyer yer trip this year?? ada ke trip nyerr?? dgr kata ke KOREA la kt...btl ke?? klu btl sukaaaaaa Ira laaaagiiiiiii sukaaaaaaaaaaa hehehe dia kan minat K-Pop..

ini laaaa Ira....minah K-POP dia terer menari K-POP ni....:)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bad impact expansion of technology to new generation

On Hari Raya, Deepavali, Chinese New Year or any festival..what make us happy?
got 'duit raya', 'ang pow', 'deepavali kase' @ meeting with family members/siblings @ visit relatives family @ can eat variety of food? or what?. For me when i can meet my family and can eat variety of food :) make me sooooooooo......happy. I still remember when i was kid i'm very happy when Hari Raya because i can meet all family members, can eat variety of food, can get 'duit raya' n....'baju baruuu'...suka2... :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Share the experience of whatsApp Application

On 26 April 2015 is was historic date to me because I have lost a cell phone, i feel so sad because There are many things in my cell phone especially picture, contact numbers, account numbers, email address, mini diary (for me), work schedule and etc. But what i feel loss is my sim card because everything have in the sim card. Because of that its take a few days for me to get the new sim card, even though i don't think i can get all the detail especially contact numbers.